วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of banana

           Rich in natural sugars, bananas 3 species of sucrose and glucose ¤ fruit combined with a degree of fiber and food waste. Add bananas to boost your body immediate energy. Research has found that eating bananas can add only 2 energy properly for the full year up to 90 minutes.

       The benefits of bananas, not just the 'unique power to help overcome and prevent disease. To be born with several physical illnesses it. Sections will help prevent any form that has to do and then find the following.

                  1. Anemia with iron in bananas will help stimulate heat production of hemoglobin in the blood. It will help in cases where conditions are poor. O Anemia

                  2. Hypertension that the maximum special potassium However, low salt content. Making the perfect food to help your blood pressure, very Sun. United States. Enable the industry to grow banana banana ad that is a special fruit reduces the risk from the disease on blood pressure or capillary break

                  3. 'Brain Research Students king in 200 schools in Twickenham was eating bananas at breakfast, dining room and meals for lunch every day. To increase the power of their brain. Enjoy the exam during the year. With research showing that the amount of potassium special full of bananas can give students a more active learning.

                  4. Constipation and waste fibers contained in bananas helps excretion is normal. It also helps resolve constipation medicine taken without it.

                  5. Diseases of the survey on depression among those who are suffering from depression caused many people to have felt much better after eating bananas. Since the protein, called Try Potophan when this substance in the body. Be modified to Rerotonin is known that the relaxation is best to improve mood. And to make us feel happy increased.

                  6. Hangover the fastest way to solve the hangover is to drink banana banana blender with milk and honey will settle our stomachs. The honey will help to make the amount of sugar in the blood of all the milk, but it helps. Adjust the liquid in our body.

                  7. Heartburn Banana antacids containing naturally affects our body. If problems with heartburn, try eating a banana tattoo. Unwind from heartburn.

                  8. The discomfort of the morning. Eating bananas as snacks between meals. To maintain a constant level of blood sugar. To avoid disruptions in the morning.

                  9. Mosquito bite cream fix before the mosquito bites. Try the banana peel in the paint was mosquito bites. Many people find the miracle that banana peel can solve tablets rash is caused by mosquito bites.

                 10. Nervous system to control blood sugar. Eating snacks that have a high amount of carbohydrates every 2 hours to maintain a constant sugar all the time. Eating a banana contains Vitamin B6, which controls glucose levels can affect mood. Helps calm the nervous system.

                 11. Diseases of intestinal ulceration. Banana is a food control doctor. To resist disease intestinal ulceration. Because of the banana pulp is soft, smooth fit. To eat only fruit easily. It is not difficult for those with chronic intestinal disease problems. And bananas are not conditions of neutral pH. It also reduces irritation to the lining of the stomach and intestines.

                 12. To control body temperature. In many cultures see bananas The fruit can cause. Temperatures cool down both physically and mentally. In particular, the emotional temperature of a mother as expected. Example in Thailand provides pregnant women eat bananas every day to ensure that children born. At low temperatures.

                 13. The confusion of emotions, from time to time. Banana can help with emotional and confused. Because the banana is a natural substance Try Potophan good mood

                 14. A banana can help smokers trying to quit smoking. Because the banana is the amount of vitamin C, A and B 6 and B 12 and also very high in potassium and magnesium that helps to restore the special body soon afterwards. Withdrawals reduce nicotine

                 15. Stress Products Potassium is essential nutrients. That allows the heart to normal oxygen delivery to the brain and regulate the water level in the body. In times of emotional stress in our body is the metabolic rate high Pros and potassium in your body down. But Pro is very high in potassium banana will help the balance.

                 16. Capillary break from research in the journal The New England journal of Medicine "eating bananas regularly may reduce the damage caused to the blood vessel broke 40%.

                 17. Wart wart alternative treatment of diseases naturally. Using the banana peel on the wart to fall. Then use the disc or tape bandage on the banana peel yellow exterior will be lost for the treatment of warts.

